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MANUAL. KANNAD 406 AF-COMPACT. KANNAD 406 AF-COMPACT (ER) omission or error found in this manual. 36. ANT200 Outline dimensions and weight . INSTALLATION MANUAL. OPERATION MANUAL. KANNAD 406 AF / AF-H / AF (6D). P/N : S1821502-02. KANNAD 406 AF transmitter. P/N : S1822502-02. KANNAD 406 AF-H INSTALLATION MANUAL OPERATION MANUAL. ELT KANNAD 406 AF-COMPACT / 406 AF-COMPACT (ER). RECORD OF REVISIONS. ROR PAGE: 1. MAY 05/2010. REV. Nb REVISION DATE. This manual gives the work instructions for the battery replacement of the Emergency Locator. Transmitters (ELT, KANNAD 406 AF COMPACT, PN S1840501-01 and ELT,1. Transmitter. The KANNAD 406 AF / AF-H / AF (6D) can be activated either automatically when the crash occurs (thanks to a shock sensor) or manually (thanks to omission or error found in this manual. KANNAD 406 ELT System Presentation . In ON mode, after 36 bursts, the ELT decides to re-switch or not View and Download Kannad 406 AF installation manual, operation manual, inspection log online. 406 AF transmitter pdf manual download. View and Download Orolia KANNAD 406 AF installation manual online. Emergency Locator Transmitter. KANNAD 406 AF transmitter pdf manual download.
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